MEG Financial EIUL
Equity Indexed Universal Life Insurance Life Insurance Options

Who Should Buy Life Insurance?
Business Life Insurance
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Trusts and Wills
Cost of Waiting
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by: Zeus Design

Universal Life Insurance

The Costs Of Waiting For Insurance
The best time to start investing is now. Waiting longer will likely cost you in the long run. Please Click on a link below for more information on investing.

Equity Indexed
Investing Early
Equity Indexed

Why Start Early?

If you start investing at age 30 and invest $1,000 each year for ten years earning 8% per year.

Then you stop contributing after 10 years. Your investment continues to earn an 8% annual return. When you reached age 65, your $10,000 will have grown to $106,053. If you start investing at age 40 and invest $1,000 each year for 25 years, also earning 8% per year. At the end of the period, your $25,000 investment is worth $78,447.

As you can see, in the first scenario although you contributed to your investment for 15 fewer years than you would at age 40 and invested $15,000 less, you accumulated $28,194 more for retirement.*

So what’s the difference? Time and power of compounding!

The Solution

The solution is simple: talk to our insurance professional about getting started today, putting time on your side.

*This is a hypothetical scenario and is not representative of the performance of any particular investment product. Taxes are not taken into account. Your results may vary.

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